Are you an agricultural graduate? Then the following information is one of the most important things you need to know. Let's see... AGRI-CLINICS AND AGRI-BUSINESS CENTERS (AC&ABC) SCHEME The Ministry of Agriculture and farmers welfare, Government of India, in association with NABARD has launched a novel programme to require higher ways of farming to every and each farmer across the country. This scheme aims at bringing up the expertise from the giant pool of agriculture graduates, irrespective of whether you are a fresh graduate or not, or whether you are currently employed or not, you'll be able to created your own Agri Clinic or Agri Business Centre and supply skilled extension services to farmers. Committed to the current programme, the govt is currently conjointly providing start-up coaching to graduates in Agriculture, or any subject allied to Agriculture like husbandry, Sericulture, Veterinary Sciences, Forestry, Dairy, Poultry Farming, and Fisheries, etc. Those fin...