Biofortification - improving the food plate.
Why biofortification? The growing human population along with increase in need of food supply result in lack of food with proper nutrition. This results in fighting hunger but on the other hand some people suffers from overweight. These are continuously increasing within different countries. Hidden hunger Occurs when the food quality consumed doesn't meet the required level ie lack of minerals and vitamins. So it may result in deficiency of vitamins and minerals in human body. Here comes the way to solution for both cases -" BIOFORTIFICATION " Biofortification Biofortification or biological fortification is the process of breeding and delivering staple food crops that are naturally enriched with micronutrients. This differs from ordinary fortification because it focus on increasing the nutrition values of food being consumed. Now it have been used as an upcoming tenchique to meet the deficiencies of micronutrients in low and middle income countries . ...