
Showing posts from October, 2020

Biofortification - improving the food plate.

Why biofortification?  The growing human population along with increase in need of food supply result in lack of food with proper nutrition. This results in fighting hunger but on the other hand some people suffers from overweight. These are continuously increasing within different countries.  Hidden hunger  Occurs when the food quality consumed doesn't meet the required level ie lack of minerals and vitamins. So it may result in deficiency of vitamins and minerals in human body.  Here comes the way to solution for both cases -" BIOFORTIFICATION " Biofortification Biofortification or biological fortification is the process of breeding and delivering staple food crops that are naturally enriched with micronutrients.  This differs from ordinary fortification because it focus on increasing the nutrition values of food being consumed. Now it have been used as an upcoming tenchique to meet the deficiencies of micronutrients in low and middle income countries .  ...

The app "Cott-Ally" - exclusively for cotton farmers

Introduction: The Cotton Corporation of India Limited (CCI) is a Public Sector Undertaking under the administrative control of Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. CCI operates in all the cotton growing States with more than 400 procurement centres under 17 procurement/ sales branches. The major role of the CCI is to undertake Minimum Support Price (MSP) operations on behalf of the Government of India when the prices of Fair Average Quality (FAQ) grade seed cotton fall below the MSP level. Besides MSP operations, CCI undertakes commercial purchase operations to fulfill the raw material requirement of the domestic textile industry particularly during lean season. CCI has always welcomed and embraced progressive developments in all fields, i.e. commercial, technological human resource development, financial, etc. CCI initiated the process of integrating IT with its business functions and has always ensured that the organization remained along with the latest IT technologies. To mov...

TAHDCO Tamilnadu Adi dravidar Housing and Development Corporation

About Of the total population in Tamilnadu  20% of the people's population belongs to scheduled castes .In order to improve their status of living TAHDCO has been introduced. TAHDCO  - Tamilnadu Adi dravidar Housing and Dvelopment corporation .  It was incorporated in 1974 under the companies act 1956. Both the state and the central government shares the capital for the corporation in the ratio 51:49. This was first initiated as a construction company in 1974  now its activities have been extended to undertake the socio economic development of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes in Tamilnadu. It's headquarters is in Chennai.  Major activities 1.Economic development schemes  2.Skill development training programme  (Job/self employment) 3.Construction activities entrusted by government.  Organizational setup  2 wings  Development wing - 32 offices in each district head quarters Construction wing - 10 divisions and functioning at Chennai, ...

Stubble Burning - Impact of practice and its alternatives to overcome the problems

  Introduction: Stubble is the base of the plant and the straw residue remaining on the surface of the soil following the harvest of particular crops. This includes material discharged from the harvester. For a range of reasons, this material is often burned so that the land is clear for reuse. What is stubble burning? Stubble burning is the act of removing paddy crop residue from the field to sow wheat. It’s usually required in areas that use the ‘combine harvesting’ method which leaves crop residue behind. Combine harvesters are machines that harvest, thresh and also clean the separated grain, all at once. The problem is that the machine doesn’t cut close enough to the ground, leaving stubble behind that the farmer has no use for. There is pressure on the farmer to sow the next crop in time for it to achieve a full yield. So, the Stubble burning is the quickest and cheapest solution to clear the field. It is mostly practised in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh to...

ORGANIC CERTIFICATION - The things you need to know

Organic Certification: It is a certification process for producers of organic food and other organic agricultural products. In general, any business directly involved in food production can be certified, including seed suppliers, farmers, food processors, retailers and restaurants. Purpose of certification:  Organic certification addresses a growing worldwide demand for organic food. It is intended to assure quality and prevent fraud. For organic producers, certification identifies suppliers of products approved for use in certified operations. For consumers, "certified organic" serves as a product assurance, similar to "low fat", "100% whole wheat", or "no artificial preservatives". Aim: Certification is essentially aimed at regulating and facilitating the sale of organic products to consumers. Individual certification bodies have their own service marks, which can act as branding to consumers—a certifier may promote the high consumer recognitio...


THE SEED ACT, 1966 (Act No. 54 of 1966) The Act received the assent of the President on 29th Dec., 66 and was published in issue No.66 of part II Sec. 1- extraordinary Gazette of India dated 30.12.66 and supplemented with Seeds Rules 1968 on 29.08.68 . The total draft of seeds Act 1966 and seeds Rules 1968 were brought into effect on 02.10.1969 . OBJECTIVE AND REASONS In the interest of increased Agricultural production in the country, it is considered to regulate the quality of certain seeds, such as seeds of food crops, cotton, jute etc., to be sold for purpose of Agriculture (including horticulture). METHOD TO ACHIEVE THIS OBJECTIVE 1. Constitution of central seed committee consisting of representative of the central government and the state governments, the National Seeds Corporation and other interests, to advise the governments on all matters arising out of the proposed legislation. 2. Fixing minimum standards for Germination, Physical purity, varietal purity and maximum standar...