TAHDCO Tamilnadu Adi dravidar Housing and Development Corporation


Of the total population in Tamilnadu  20% of the people's population belongs to scheduled castes .In order to improve their status of living TAHDCO has been introduced.

TAHDCO  - Tamilnadu Adi dravidar Housing and Dvelopment corporation . 

It was incorporated in 1974 under the companies act 1956. Both the state and the central government shares the capital for the corporation in the ratio 51:49.

This was first initiated as a construction company in 1974  now its activities have been extended to undertake the socio economic development of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes in Tamilnadu. It's headquarters is in Chennai. 

Major activities

1.Economic development schemes 

2.Skill development training programme 

(Job/self employment)

3.Construction activities entrusted by government. 

Organizational setup

 2 wings 

Development wing - 32 offices in each district head quarters

Construction wing - 10 divisions and functioning at Chennai, Villupuram, vellore, Trichy, Madurai, Thirunelveli, Thanjavur, Salem and Coimbatore.

District Action plan

This is a decentralized and formulated scheme at district level under the leadership of district collector , in order to improve the economic status of the scheduled caste.

Different schemes involved under their activities

The economic development schemes

1.Land purchase scheme

2.Entrepreneur development programme

3.Setting up of petrol / diesel /gas retail outlet

4.Self employment programme for youth (SEPY)

5.Setting up of clinic by young doctors (SEPYC)

6.Revolving fund and economic assistance to self help groups

7.Fast  track power supply 

8.Land development scheme

9.Collector 's discretionary fund 

10.Managing director's discretionary fund 

11.TAHDCO chairman's discretionary fund 

12.Financial assistant to civil services ,law graduates,group 1 TNPSC , charter accountant 

13.Special assistance to women industrial tailoring corporation society functioning under social welfare department.

Skill development schemes

1.Basic level

a.  Beautician

b. Cutting and tailoring 

c. Heavy vehicle driving

2.Training through Indian institutes

a. Apparel manufacturing technology through (ATDC) apparel training and design centre 

b. Plastic products manufacturing through (CIPET) central institute of plastic engineering and technology

c. Manufacturing through (CFTI) central footwear training institute

d. Footwear design training through (FDDI) footwear design and development institute

3.Training through government approved industrial school

  Food production and beverages

4.IT and ITES training 

 Tally, BPO /call centre , multimedia animation etc.

5.coaching for all competitive exams 

 CAT, JEE ,banking etc.,


 a. Retail management 

 b. Travel and tourism management. 

Construction schemes

1.Hostels for tribes 

2.Teachers quarters

3.Toilet block

4.Community hall

5.Infrastructure  facilities  to ADW habitations  -NABARD RIDF XIV scheme

6.Infrastructure  facilities  to ADW  and tribe  school  - NABARD RIDF XII scheme.

I am here to shorty describe you the eligibility and conditions for some most important schemes. 

Land purchase scheme  for women

The scheme is used to improve the land holding of the scheduled caste people.the government issue order for the exemption of 100℅stamp duty for the registration of the land to be purchased under the scheme. 


1.The applicant should be a scheduled caste especially women incase of land purchase scheme

2.The applicant should be in age group of 18-65

3.The annual income of the family shouldnot exceed Rs. 1 lakh

4.The applicant shouldnot have any subsidy so for under TAHDCO scheme . 

5.The applicant should not own any agricultural land

6.The occupation of the applicant should be agriculture 


1.The person should select their own land to be purchased

2.The owner of the land should not be  a scheduled caste

3.The registration of the land is done only in the applicant name 

4.The purchased land shouldnot be sold for twenty years from the year of their purchase. 

Land development scheme 

The  aim of this scheme is to improve the land holdings of the schedule caste people . So that it helps them to improve their socio economic status. 


1.The applicant should be a scheduled caste 

2.The applicant should be in age group of 18-65

3.The annual income of the family shouldnot exceed Rs. 1 lakh

4.The applicant and their family members shouldnot have any subsidy so for under TAHDCO scheme . 

5.The applicant should have his/ her own agricultural land


1.The registered land should be in the name of the applicant 

2.The land development activities is done under the NABARD guidelines incase of activities like digging wells , electrification of pumpset etc., 

3.inorder to dig the open well geologist feasibility certificate should be obtained


 30℅ of the cost is given as subsidy . The cost should be fixed according to the government norms. 

Self Employment programme for youth (SEPY)

The main aim is to train and assistance the youth financially over a certain period of years.


1. The applicant should be scheduled caste

2. The applicant should have the eligibility certificate by authorized Institute

3. The applicant should also have some experience in trade aspects. 

4. The applicant should be in age group of 18-45

5. The annual income of the family shouldnot exceed Rs. 1 lakh

6. The applicant and their family members should not have any subsidy so for under TAHDCO scheme . 


1.The applicant should select the trade 

2.The applicant should register his asset only in his own name

3.The applicant should run his business only in the district where he got the subsidy. 


30℅ of the total cost or 2.25 lakhs is given as subsidy. It's mainly the Front End subsidy. 

Entrepreneur Development Programme (EDP) 

 This aim to give financial assistance to the scheduled caste people who are interested to be an entrepreneur of his/her own. 


1.The applicant should be scheduled caste

2.The applicant should have the eligibility certificate by authorized Institute

3.The applicant should be in age group of 18-45

4.The annual income of the family shouldnot exceed Rs. 1 lakh

5.The applicant and their family members shouldnot have any subsidy so for under TAHDCO scheme . 


1.The applicant should have a deep knowledge  and training with his /her respective business

3.The applicant should run his business only in the district where he got the subsidy. 


30℅ of the total cost or 2.25 lakhs is given as subsidy. It's mainly the Front End subsidy. 

In order to know other related information on loan and subsidies and schemes do visit the webpage of TAHDCO. 


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