Mimosa pudica - "Don't touch me" (The science behind)

Memosa pudica is a creeping annual Or perennial flowering plant, often grown for its curiosity. At present it's under pantropical weed. This is known as sensitive plant, sleepy plant, action plant, touch me not, shame plant. 

It is native to South and central America. It belongs to the family Fabaceae. 

What for its used? 

It contains an alkaloid mimosine and possesses antibacterial, antivenom, antifertility, antidepressant and other properties. It also helps in grabbing the parasite in our gut and inactivating the larvae in the human body. The roots of this plant can be crushed and the paste can be utilized for treatment of boils, acne and other skin ailments. 

Why it's so curious? 

Mimosa is an interesting plant as it respond very quickly to a physical and environmental stimulus. The most sensitive plant , as it closes its leaves inwards when it's touched. They do it for their defence mechanism as they are attractive to grazing animals.

This mechanism is known as Thigmonasty. The nastic mechanism where the plants react to the action of touch or other vibrations. 

What causes the leaves to droop? 

Let we see the leaf anatomy of the plant . At the base of the compound leaf , a fluid filled sac like organ pulvinus ( plural pulvili) is present . Its a motor organ which is responsible for open and close of the leaflets. The open and closing results from the change in the water concentration in the cells. It works like a hydraulic pump. 

Then the pulvinus cells are turgid ( high water concentration) ,the pressure of it causes the leaves to open. Similarly when the water goes out ( low water concentration), it causes the leaves to close. This action leads to the change in the salt concentration within the pulvinus.

What physiology hides behind this? 

When the leaves are touched , the potassium ions are lost ,results in less solute concentration in the cell ,so as a result the water goes out of the cell by osmosis. Thus the cell gets flaccid and the pulvinus closes.

In order to open the leaflets the pulvinus absorbs water first , then the ions are pumped into the vacuole leading to high solute concentration ,which causes the movement of water by osmosis and thus the leaves open.

what is the signal between the touch and change in the concentration? 

Its the electrical signal which leads to the change in the concentration of the ions in the pulvinus.This was first discovered by the Indian scientist Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose . He also proves that plants feel pain. 

Why it's Touch - me - not ? 

The opening and closing  of the plant interfere in the process of photosynthesis . So that the plant have to work hard to gain a lot of energy to regain its photosynthesis activity after our touch.  So as we shouldn't make fun over it. 


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