SNPs ( Single Nucleotide Polymorphism)
Introduction: DNA is a double helical structure ( looks like a ladder )that composed of a pair of nucleotide base that lie perpendicular to the parallel double strand. The nucleotide bases may be either a Purine (Adenine 'A' /Guanine 'G') or Pyrimidine (Thymine 'T' /Cytosine 'C') . These nucleotides form the base for gene code and DNA sequence. They varies from organisms to organisms that makes the individual unique. SNPs : Sometimes during the process of copying of sequence from parents to the progeny a typo error may occur in a single nucleotide sequence at a particular position know as SNP or snips . It is the single nucleotide mutation that occurs at the specific position in the genome of the individual that causes major variation among the individuals at a frequency of >1% in the population . All the ...