BLAST - Basic Local Alignment Search Tool

BLAST - Basic Local Alignment  Search Tool 

A tool  used to compare the query sequence with database sequence .This tool allows you to take a sequence and search a large database  to find a sequence  that are related to the sequence that you input.

This tool have been developed by NCBI .

Why this tool is needed?

  1. Used to check similarities that exist within and between organisms.
  2. Helps in DNA mapping  program. 
  3. Used to construct  phylogenetic tree.
  4. Helps to infer functional  and evolutionary relationship. 

How to use BLAST?

  • First get into the NCBI  website.
  • select the BLAST in the resource option. 

There are 5 different  types of blast program. We want to select any one to run your program based on the input sequence.

1. Nucleotide blast  

2. Protein blast

Both are used based on the input query sequence either a nucleotide or protein sequence.

3. blastx 

4. tblastn

5. tblastx

These are little bit advanced  programs  where  nucleotide  sequence  can be compared with other protein and vice versa.

 In the BLAST page enter the query  sequence in the space provided. The query sequence  may be either a nucleotide sequence or a protein sequence. 

Then select the organism needed to be compared and then click on blast option. 

How to interpret the result? 

The result page contain 4 different forms of information.

1.Graphical - gives the result in the form of  graph, the sequence that are closely related appear near the query and the sequence that are less related are lying below.

2.Description - gives the result in table format where we can get all the information related as maximum score, total score, e value etc., these are helps to interpret the relationship of the query with other database sequence. 

3.Alignment - this gives the query sequence and the database sequence with the aminoacid match and the number of nucleotide that are paired.

4.Taxonomy - this gives the complete information of the heirarachy of the organism in the organism kingdom.

These all are viewed together in the traditional result page ; if needed to see in separate page use the new result interface page.


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