Schemes to enhance Organic Farming - Improving India

Introduction: Area under organic farming is increasing day by day. The people are moving towards organic agriculture inorder to improve their living standards. Cultivable land under organic farming is 11.83 lakh hectare in 2014 . At present it's 29.17 lakh hectare. It's assumed that it will be more 20 lakh hectare increase by 2040. These incredible increase in the land area is assured by the efforts of the government. Awareness programme, availability of adequate post harvest infrastructure, marketing facilities, premium price for organic products etc., which leads the farmers to be keen on organic farming. India ranks first in number of organic farmers and ninth in terms of area under organic farming. Sikkim became the first State in the world to become fully organic and other States including Tripura and Uttarakhand have set similar targets. The government of India provides various schemes to assist their farming. Of which 5 schemes are briefly discussed below. 1. Parampar...